Special Blend of Herbs & Spices

(The Thirteenth Year)

Listen to our latest episode.

A podcast for those who were raised by the Disney Channel.

Recent Episodes

  • Special Blend of Herbs & Spices (The Thirteenth Year)

    Bethany & Crystal discuss Can of Worms - the 1999 film about a boy who is turning into a merman but also maybe a Spiderman?

  • He’s a Computer Decorator (Can of Wor

    Bethany & Crystal discuss Can of Worms - the 1999 film about a boy too fragile for an upper middle class life on earth, a bunch of gross aliens with human teeth, and a dog voiced by Hollywood legend, Malcom McDowell.

  • His Name is Braggadocious

    Bethany & Crystal discuss Zenon: Z3 - the 2004 final film in the Zenon trilogy about moon colonizers.

Meet the Hosts

Welcome to The Bomb DCOM, a podcast for those raised by the Disney Channel. Join your hosts, Bethany Byrd-Hill and Crystal Inniss, for a thrilling journey through the magical realm of DCOMs and their profound impact on modern millennial culture. We bring a fresh and unique perspective to the mic.