A podcast

filled with laughter, nostalgia, and insightful conversations as we dissect and analyze Disney Channel Original Movies.

Welcome to our whimsical corner of the internet as we embark upon an exhilarating adventure through the captivating world of Disney Channel Original Movies (DCOMs).

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Crystal Inniss

A bonafide Disney Channel baby, I spent my formative years fully enchanted by the magic of Disney Channel Original Movies (DCOMs). From the iconic DCOM logo, to the unforgettable soundtrack bops, these movies were a staple in my adolescence. 

Having since navigated some of the highs and lows of all types of relationships, and just growing up in general, I lovingly revisit these cinematic wonders. Join us as Bethany and I rewatch these gems and offer sprinkles of our adult insights and hilarious wisdom to add a new layer to these timeless and (mostly) loveable classics.

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Bethany Byrd-Hill

As a child of the '90s, I found myself in the sweet spot when Disney Channel Original Movies (DCOMs) first graced our screens. Reluctant to bid farewell to the carefree days of childhood, I eagerly consumed these cinematic gems as they unfolded over a captivating 15-year span. Now, as an adult, my curiosity has grown, prompting me to explore the profound impact these DCOMs might have had on my generation as a collective experience. Armed with my own unique perspective, I'm excited to delve into this journey of examination, peering through the lens of my personal nostalgia and adult insights.

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